Do you have things laying around that you don’t want people to see? Perhaps there is a pile of stuff that you stashed away for that moment when you would have more time. I get it.
Scott always asks the same question every morning when we have our coffee. “Would we feel okay if someone stopped over today?” We look around and create our to do list based on that answer. I know it doesn’t matter what the house looks like. I would hope that people would not judge us if we had project piles. However it is nice to have that incentive to keep us tidy.
Sometimes we cover up our projects. Or we stash them in a closet. But today we got the best coverup. There is nothing like a freshly fallen snow to make everything look clean and beautiful. As a matter of fact the snow can turn that pile of rubble into natures sculpture.
Even though we don’t have children in school anymore we were excited to turn on the radio and listen for school closings. It was there. Snow day!! We knew that all we had to do was enjoy the stunning views of the snow draped on the trees. Deer, squirrels, rabbits and birds have lost their cover and are easy to spot.
The weather has been cycling through its normal ups and downs for January in Ohio but today the pond is frozen and covered with snow. As the snowy blanket covers everything outside our window, we sit by the warm fire covered up with blankets. The best coverup was the maple syrup smothered banana pancakes we had for breakfast!
Love this! Beautiful writing and awesome pictures! Thanks for sharing the happenings taking place in your neck of the woods!